- Album 1: quiet piano songs on this historic piano;
- Album 2: Blues and Western songs I’ve been working on for 5 years. Melancholic for Cats.
I miss you all! I miss performing for real people! In short, when the lock-down hit, I was on my way to a 3 week tour of gigs in Scotland, all cancelled of course. Even if lockdown ends tomorrow, it will still be months before gigs/tours can be played. (I’m usually booked 3 to 6 months in advance) My good friends in the Highlands were nice enough to let me stay with them in exchange for doing odd jobs. (I’m good at getting in firewood) Coincidently, this is the House of Newe where I recorded my last, and best, album. That was 6 years ago. I have new songs, and great song ideas, the time to work them, the piano to record them, but I need an audiance! It’s demorlizing just playing for the unblinking red light of the recording machine. When I hear from you, even if you’re outta business too, I will know I have an audiance to write and perform for. (See my “Vote of Confidence” donation level).
When this is all over, I’ll be back on the road. Book your house concert now, ( Reward level 7). It would be a shame for me to be here, and not have a new work of art to show for it. So put me to work, give me a reason to write, perform, record. I can do more than bring in firewood. Let’s go. I thank you. And so does Pip the cat, who sits on the piano when I play, and wishes I wouldn’t.